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When You Feel Blue, Try a Makeover

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Nothing cheers you up more than a successful makeover! Something that changes the way you look, so you can make yourself feel better. Yes, I know it is shallow, but it is so much fun that it can easily change your outlook on what is happening in your life.

Another thing you can do when life hits you in the face, is to clean your house. The cleaning is so simple, it just keeps your energy moving and your mind in the here and now, but it is not half as fun as doing some kind of makeover.

Playing with eye shadow colors are always fun. But what I tend to do when times are hard, is to grab the scissors and start snipping into my own hair, sometimes with disastrous results! I think it is an addiction. I just can’t stop myself from doing it…

I don’t know why I have this obsession with cutting my hair whenever I want to change something in my life. Perhaps the hair represents the past, and I can free myself from it by cutting it off? I don’t know. But I do know that cutting your own hair isn’t necessarily going to bring you to a happier place, especially if you don’t have a clue how to do it right….

So, when the temptation hit me this time, I decided to look for alternatives to random hair chopping. On YouTube, I came across this very cool video about how to highlight your hair with a knife!!! The title of the video made me so intrigued that I had to watch it, and the video was actually very good. Do I want to try it? Maybe some day, but I thought it was worth sharing it with the rest of you. Just in case you are in the mood for makeovers with a knife…

So, here it is – How to highlight your hair with a knife! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did…

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Photo by Dan Russo on Unsplash