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Stunning Makeover

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I have to admit it – I love watching makeovers!!! They are just so inspiring!

If you are secretly wondering if you should get a new hair cut or hair color, or some new clothes or shoes, this video should get you very excited! A bit of vibrant color, some great makeup and some flattering clothes is all it takes to make yourself feel better and look younger!

I’m always inspired to create some kind of renewal in the spring and fall. Maybe it is because the seasons are shifting so I need to shift too. Or maybe I just get bored with what is in my closet. Who knows?

So, every spring and fall I go through my closet and get rid of everything I don’t love so I can make space for something new… So much fun… And, once I have sorted everything into bags, it is time to go shopping with a friend in my favorite boho store… Don’t you love being a girl? I sure do…

Anyway, here is the makeover video. It is exceptional. Enjoy…

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Photo by George Bohunicky on Unsplash