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Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyes

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I’m always looking for creative makeup tips for hooded eyes. I have tried so many methods, and most of them are not working for me. So today, I wanted to share some of the makeup tips for hooded eyes that actually do work. Hooded eyes have a piece of skin that covers most of the movable lid. If you have hooded eyes, you can only see the lid at the inner corner when you look straight into the mirror. The rest is hidden under the hood.

Putting flattering makeup on a hooded eye can be tricky. You can’t apply the eye shadow the way you would on a normal eye where the movable eye lid is showing. You may have seen those cute little eye makeup kits where there is a picture of an eye lid on the box. The box shows what color eye shadow to apply on the different parts of the eye. I hope you know what I’m talking about!

The sad news is that those kits are made for normal eyes, not for hooded eyes. Therefore, the recommendations don’t work, unfortunately. If you put medium color on your eye lid and a dark color in the crease, it will just make your eyes look even more hooded, so don’t do it!

There is a different way to make hooded eyes pop! You have to know where to put the right colors, and you also have to know what type of eye shadow that flatters the most. So, check out this video for some awesome makeup tips. This guy is a pro…