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3 Embarrassing Makeup Mistakes

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Do you know how to use makeup to enhance your features, or do you make embarrassing makeup mistakes? If you don’t know much about makeup, you could be guilty of doing these things without meaning to. The more embarrassing your makeup mistakes are, the less you can expect your friends to point it out to you. Why? Because nobody wants to embarrass you or make you feel bad. So, you’ll never know, even though your blunders are more than obvious to the rest of the world.

So, let me help you avoid some of my worst pet peeves, the first one being…

Red Lipstick on Your Teeth

NOTHING in the world looks more tacky than red lipstick on your teeth!!! Actually, I just remembered one thing that is worse than lipstick on the teeth, and that is red lipstick smeared outside your lip lines. So, don’t put red lipstick on without a mirror. It will look like a 5 year old did it…

So, don’t be in a hurry. Apply red lipstick nicely, within the boundaries of your lips! Then, stick one finger in your mouth, close your lips around the finger, and pull it out slowly. Now look at your finger. All that red stuff would have ended up on your teeth if you hadn’t done that! This is a super easy hack to prevent embarrassing makeup mistakes.

Pet peeve number 2:

Eyeliner Below your Lower Lashes

And, when I say below, I mean that there is a space between your liner and your lash line. Eyeliner should be applied as close to the lashes as possible so there is no space between the lashes and the line. The best is to apply the linier right on top of the lash line. The lower lash line should also be thinner than the top lash line.

If you do it the other way around, your eyes will look droopy. So, put a thicker line on the top lashes, a thinner line right on the bottom lash line with no gap, and then smudge the bottom lash line a bit. And never ever EVER use liquid liner on the bottom lids. That looks way too harsh in daylight, no matter what your age is.

Pet peeve number 3:

Solid Eye Brows in a Dark Color

I know that eyebrows are supposed to frame your face, but that doesn’t mean that they have to look solid!!! If your eyebrows look like two stark lines on your face, people will not even notice your eyes. They will only see your eyebrows when they look at your face. And the darker they are, the faker they look. So, here is a rule that I go by: If you can’t see that your eye brows consist of individual hairs, they look fake, trust me…

So, keep these things in mind, ladies. Makeup is supposed to be subtle so it can enhance your features. Not solid like a mask. Less is more, remember?

You might even want to try a moisturizing lip tint instead of a solid lipstick. The good thing about a lip tint is that it will never leave red color on your teeth, nor will it migrate up into the fine lines above your lip. You can even put it on without a mirror. So there you go. No need to make any of these mistakes again, thank God…

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Photo by David Edkins on Unsplash