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How to Exfoliate with the Pumpkin Mask

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The pumpkin enzyme mask exfoliates without any scrubbing and makes your skin feel like silk. This might be perfect for mature or sensitive skin. It smells like chocolate, and it works amazingly well.

Why you need to exfoliate

Let me first explain why the skin needs exfoliation. The skin is in a constant state of renewal. It produces new skin cells all the time. That is how it repairs itself, and keeps looking young year after year, regardless of how drying or cold the environment is.

However, as we age, the cell turnover happens at a slower speed. And, because it happens slower, the dead skin cells will sit on the surface of the skin longer and give your face a bit of a dull appearance. This is why we lose the “glow” with age. First the glow goes, and eventually, the skin can even turn paper thin and almost translucent.

Hopefully, we can prevent, or at least slow down this process by exfoliating on a regular basis.

The advantage of exfoliating

There are two advantages to exfoliating. The first is obvious. When you exfoliate, you remove old skin cells which makes the skin look fresher and give you your “glow” back.

The second reason is that it stops the skin from getting too thin over time. Exfoliation gives the body the message that more skin cells has to be made to protect the underlying layers. So, it increases cell production, and this prevents thinning of the skin.

Exfoliate with enzymes

You have different choices when it comes to exfoliation. You can use a scrub, such as the oatmeal scrub to scrub away the layer of dead skin cells, or you can use an enzyme peel instead.

The oatmeal scrub can quickly and easily whisk away dead skin cells. But for some people, the skin may be too sensitive for scrubbing. If you want to avoid scrubbing, you may want to try an pumpkin enzyme mask instead.

How does the pumpkin enzyme mask work?

The pumpkin enzyme mask can exfoliate dead skin cells by using enzymes to dissolve the “glue” that holds the skin cells together. This is a very gentle way of dealing with exfoliation, with no scrubbing necessary. The mask also contains honey, chocolate and fermented sea kelp which nurtures the skin with vitamins and minerals.

Here is what you do:

  • First, use a cleanser to remove any makeup on your skin
  • Then, add a thin layer of the pumpkin mask
  • Don’t go too close to your lips and eyes
  • Keep it on for about 20 minutes
  • If it burns or tingles, wash it off sooner
  • Wash it off with warm water
  • Pat your skin dry and follow up with toner and moisturizer
  • You can actually see the difference when you are done. Your skin will look and feel much fresher and softer

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