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Why Progesterone Cream is a Must in Menopause

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I didn’t discover the benefits of progesterone cream until I hit menopause and my life totally changed. Menopause brought so many annoying female problems that I couldn’t believe it! Vaginal atrophy, drying of the skin, itching, oh joy..

I was looking for answers on Google because I knew there had to be a solution somewhere. I had already tried a progesterone cream before, and I wasn’t impressed with the overall results. It seemed to be working at first, and then it stopped having much effect at all.

Eventually, I came across a website that explained why it wasn’t working the way I thought it would. This website had all the answers I was looking for. It is written by a doctor who promotes progesterone therapy for all kinds of ailments. You can visit her site here and see for yourself:

What is Progesterone

Progesterone is a hormone that is essential to all vertebrates. It is produced in the ovaries, testicles, adrenals and the brain and is a pre-cursor to both estrogen and testosterone, Therefore, progesterone is an essential raw material that is vital for good health.

They used natural progesterone therapy over the last 50 years with no known side-effects. It is considered a very safe type of therapy, even after decades of continual use.

How do I know if I need progesterone?

To determine the progesterone levels, there are two types of tests that can be used. Neither of them give an accurate picture of your hormone levels. This is because the levels often vary from one hour to the next. Stress can also affect the test results, and the tests have to be done at the perfect time of the month as well. In short, the process is complicated. You might be better off just doing a quiz based on what symptoms you have instead.

You’ll find a form in the right side bar on her website (CLICK HERE). This form gives you access to her quiz. If your score is over 10, chances are that you are estrogen dominant. This means you can benefit from using a progesterone cream.

Can you be estrogen dominant if you are in menopause?

Yes, you can still be estrogen dominant. The body works best if you have the right relationship between estrogen and progesterone. As the estrogen levels drop during menopause, the progesterone levels drop too. You are supposed to have 600 times more progesterone than estrogen. If the level is too low, progesterone cream can help bring back the balance.

Another reason why so many of us are estrogen dominant, is because hormones are found in dairy and chicken products, as well as in plastics. Plastics contains chemicals that resemble estrogen. These components are called xeno-estrogens. They can cause cancer as well as estrogen dominance in the body. Based on this information, we can assume that most of us are estrogen dominant to some degree.

What does Progesterone help for?

Progesterone cream is helpful for normal female problems, such as menopausal issues, hot flashes, vaginal atrophy and dryness, cysts, lumpy breasts, poly-cystic ovaries, period pains, excessive bleeding, irregular periods, endometriosis, fibroids, infertility, miscarriage, hot flashes etc, etc…

It can also control blood sugar levels and prevent them from going too low. This will help curb cravings, food binging and hypoglycemia, and as a result, you will eat less and put on less weight.

I can also mention hair loss, chronic fatigue, depression and even heart disease. There is a very helpful link on her website with a list of ailments that can benefit from progesterone. Check it out if you want to see if it applies to you or someone you know:

How much Progesterone cream do you need?

When I started using progesterone cream a few years ago, I didn’t actually use a high enough dose. This is why the effect didn’t last. Most progesterone creams have only 20mg per pump. This amount actually increases estrogen levels, which is the opposite effect of what you need.

The doctor on the site that I’m referring to, recommends 100-200mg daily. I decided to go for 100mg, which seems to be the perfect amount for me. In some cases, she recommends much higher doses, so you may have to go to her site and educate yourself to determine what amount would be best for you.

I usually apply the progesterone cream morning and evening for best effect. The doctor recommends her own brand of bio-identical progesterone cream, but I found that amazon offers one that is just as good called P50.

P50 is made in an FDA certified lab. It offers bio-identical progesterone with 50mg per pump. It is completely natural, made without parabens, phenoxyethanol, or silicones. This is why I recommend this over other brands…

From my personal experience, I found that my body responded very quickly to the P50 progesterone cream. I put it on the inside of my forearms, back of my hands, or on my chest, and within just a few days, I could feel improvement.

This is the one product I will keep buying for the rest of my life, so I highly recommend it to the rest of you, regardless of what your age is.

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